Monday, March 30, 2009

Road(trip) to Wrestlemania

We all do something that serves as an escape from reality. Some people find their escape in a book, in music, video games, or an afternoon of yard work. I'm a little different. I find my escape in professional wrestling.

I'm a life-long fan. While I looked up to Nolan Ryan, Jose Canseco, and Ken Griffey Jr, I also idolized Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and the Ultimate Warrior. That's probably why I'm a little off-kilter.

In college, I worked in the wrestling business to make extra cash. I wrote and edited a professional wrestling show that aired on the former UPN in Dallas-Fort Worth. Suddenly, the action figures I played with as a child were the real people. I had to the opportunity to fulfill (in a way) the dream I had as a child to work in the business I loved.

After a couple years of this, I knew I needed to refocus on school so I could get a "real job" after graduation. So, I called it quits. However, I've always stayed in contact with the guys from my old gig and followed WWE television to get my kicks since I'm no longer around it.

As a child, I watched it as a fan. Today, I'm still a fan -- but I'm a bigger fan of the business/production aspects: why a storyline was developed a certain way, why certain entrance music was selected for someone, and why certain people were chosen to compete at shows. I know better than anyone that wrestling is fake. However, it's also very real. Most "fake" productions get the opportunity to yell cut and reshoot. Wrestling doesn't work that way. I enjoy watching to see if things go "as is" and if the talent can pull everything off.

When it was announced last year that Wrestlemania 25 would be in Houston, I knew I'd have to go. It was far too close to home not to may the trip. My wife wasn't happy...she still isn't. My family tells me it's time to grow up and quit watching. They're probably all right. However, I'm just not read to give it up yet. For me, it's imagination on display. It's a daydream I can see.

For the next few days, I'll update you on my road trip and experience with 70,000 other "crazies" who converge in Houston for the granddaddy of them all...Wrestlemania!


  1. I was at the last Abilene WWE show they need to come back soon it has been a long time

  2. It's not that I'm not happy. I get a girls' weekend out of it. If it's the one escape you allow yourself amid long, hard hours at work during the week and weekends spent finding creative ways to entertain me, I'm glad you're going.

    Now, at home... we're going to have to work on the volume level. Why can't wrestlers have theme songs by The Carpenters?
